Final project report (Oct-2017)
This document summarises the advances made during the project, the impact on the partners and some of the wider implications and exploitation potential.

Newsletters are available for download.

Publications in both refereed journals and conference proceedings


More technical background on MINERVA  


MINERVA project presentation Dec-2016
Updated Dec-2016 with progress and results


Overview_thumbnailMINERVA overview 2016
A short review of the building blocks of the project, its objectives and some achievements to date


ICPRAM2015_thumbnailMINERVA Project, mid- To near Infrared Spectroscopy for Improved Medical Diagnostics
Jan-2015 Book chapter on MINERVA by Prof. Valery Ornedo (UP Valencia)
In “European Project Space on Intelligent Systems, Pattern Recognition and Biomedical Systems,” p. 53-69 (2015).


Mid-infrared Spectroscopy/Bioimaging: Moving toward MIR optical biopsy
Feb-2016 Bio Optics World article by Prof. Angela Seddon (University of Nottingham) giving some background to the project and the progress to date.

 MINERVA project flyer

Two side A5 snapshot of the project


IR detection using type-II superlattice photodiodes

MINERVA will research a new detector format known as “Type II superlattice” (T2SL). This white paper from IR Nova explains the theory and potential of these devices.




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