Dear all,
The sixth MINERVA newsletter is now available!
It includes an update on image processing and data analysis at UPVLC, calomel crystals from BBT and T2SL detectors from IRnova.
We also confirm the MINERVA sessions at Photonics West in Feb-2016.
For more information, please contact Bruce Napier ( or the researchers […]
It has now been officially announced that MINERVA will have two dedicated sessions at Photonics West 2016 as part of Conference 9703 Optical Biopsy XIV: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis
Session 1: Towards the Mid-Infrared Optical Biopsy: MINERVA-I Monday 15-Feb-2016: 8:10 am – 10:10 am
Session 2: Towards the Mid-Infrared Optical […]
The fifth MINERVA newsletter is available online!
It includes a report on optimised ZrF4 mid-IR supercontinuum sources for spectroscopy; the latest developments in mercurous halide crystals (unique optical materials for the infra-red) and more details on the ultra-high NA chalcogenide step-index fibre which achieved world-record long wavelength supercontinuum for the MINERVA project.
For more […]
MINERVA researchers from DTU working with colleagues from Australian National University (ANU) recently published a key paper in Optics Express. By pumping a suspended core chalcogenide fibre at 4.4 μm a supercontinuum was generated spanning from 1.7 to 7.5 μm with an average power >5.0 μm of 4.7 mW.
Multi-milliwatt mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in a suspended […]
A very interesting review of MINERVA technology and its potential impact featured in a recent issue of Nature Photonics;
“The demonstration of chalcogenide fibre-based supercontinuum sources that reach beyond a wavelength of ten micrometres is set to have a major impact on spectroscopy and molecular sensing.”
Günter Steinmeyer and Julia S. Skibina, Supercontinua: Entering the […]
The latest MINERVA newsletter (#4) is now online!
It includes the following items:
-MINERVA mid-IR world record features in Nature Photonics
-“MINERVA Lite” system demonstrates high speed mid-IR spectral imaging
-Infrared megapixel camera development
-High resolution mid-IR imaging at University of Exeter
-Development of standardised samples for mid-IR spectrometer […]
The original theoretical paper on which MINERVA was based was finally published this summer (Opt. Express 22, 19169–19182).
The consortium is delighted that last month this paper was selected as a Nature Photonics “Research Highlight:” Reaching the mid-infrared (Nature Photonics 8, p. 246).
In fact, as was reported in the last post, this theoretical work […]
MINERVA consortium members have prepared a paper describing record-breaking long wavelength supercontinuum generation (beyond 13 microns), which will appear in Nature Photonics:
This is particularly exciting news for MINERVA, since it experimentally confirms theoretical modelling (recently published in Optics Express) […]
MINERVA has been involved in several important conferences in recent weeks:
Last week at SPEC 2014 (Krakow, Poland) Prof. Nick Stone (University of Exeter) was an invited speaker for a plenary address “Shining Light on Disease” which covers several MINERVA topics. The project also had a poster at the event describing “Identification of Spectral Targets […]
MINERVA had a strong presence at the ICOOPMA session on “Mid-IR and Biophotonics” conference yesterday, contributing five of the seven papers. The project sponsored the session, and had an exhibition space in addition to the papers. There was a great deal of interest in the project, which is setting records in the generation of long […]