MINERVA workshop: reserve your place!
The MINERVA project final workshop will be held on FRI 30-Jun-2017. The event will cover a range of topics relating to mid-IR imaging and includes presenters from within the project as well as several invited guest speakers. Agenda and further details are here.
This free event will be held in Munich (at the Räter Park Hotel) the day after Laser World of Photonics (and the parallel ECBO and CLEO Europe conferences).
The workshop will finish mid-afternoon in order to allow travel home.
Attendance is free, but places are limited: over fifty attendees have already registered.
There are still some places left, so please contact bruce@vividcomponents.co.uk if you would like to attend!
NB If you have registered, but can no longer come, please respond so your place can be made available to others.
Workshop weblink: http://minerva-project.eu/minerva-workshop-preliminary-agenda-30-jun-2017/
Contact: bruce@vividcomponents.co.uk